How Soon After Giving Birth Should I Have a Mommy Makeover?
A mommy makeover is a highly customizable combination of procedures designed to help women restore their pre-pregnancy bodies. Common components of a mommy makeover include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or lift, and liposuction. Understandably, many new moms are eager to regain their confidence, but timing is key for safety and achieving optimal results. Here’s […]
New Mom Spends $25K To Get Pre-Baby Body Back and Has No Regrets
For many new mothers, the changes pregnancy brings to their bodies can be profound and lasting. While some women embrace these changes, others seek to regain their pre-baby physique. One new mom, as featured in a recent Newsweek article, took to TikTok to share her personal journey of spending $25,000 to restore her pre-pregnancy body. […]
Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
A “Mommy Makeover” is a transformative set of cosmetic procedures designed to help women restore their pre-pregnancy bodies. It typically includes a combination of surgeries such as a tummy tuck, breast lift or augmentation, and liposuction. If you’re considering this procedure, it’s important to determine whether you’re a good candidate.
Reclaiming Confidence After Pregnancy with a Mommy Makeover by Dr. Oliver Simmons
Pregnancy and motherhood are wonderful experiences, but they can leave behind changes in the body that may affect a woman’s self-esteem. That’s why the Mommy Makeover has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. This procedure is specifically designed to help mothers regain their confidence and their figure after pregnancy, all under the expertise of Dr. […]